Make It Better 1

How to Make It Better

When you try to make emotional situations better, do they tend to get worse?

Each time we try to do what seems right, only to make things worse, mistaken behaviors are reinforced

And more likely to recur.

Learn how to make bad experiences at least a little better…

With no threat of making them worse.

Course Content

Misunderstood Emotions
The Road to Psychological Ruin 
Failing vs. Being a Failure
How We Feel, How We Look 
Beware of Emotional Reactivity
The Poison We Drink
Listen to the Right Voice in Your Head
How to Spot Bad Advice
Effects of Your Behavior
For Success in Love & Life: Manage Disappointment
Validate Feelings, Act on Values


Note: This course is not for chronic resentment, anger, or emotional abuse. For those, see the Love without Hurt Boot Camp.

Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels