Relationship Health Test

Rate each factor on a scale of 1-5, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree.

On a regular basis:

  1. We show appreciation, kindness, and support. ___
  2. We show care and try to help when either of us feels bad, ill, or overburdened. ___
  3. At least one of us perceives the other as unfair, demanding, controlling, selfish, or inconsiderate. ___
  4. At least one of us perceives the other as unreliable, untrustworthy, immoral, or pathological.  ­­­­___

Subtract the the sum of questions 3-4 from the sum of questions 1-2 for your score.

Relationship Health & Renewal Courses

Note: If resentment and contempt have become chronic, such that you continually hurt or offend each other, a more intensive approach relationship courses is necessary. See the Love without Hurt boot camp.