Whole Person Identity
Don’t sell yourself short.


Never identify with only one or two aspects of who you are as a person. There’s much more to you.

For emotional well-being, identity must be multi-faceted and ranked by importance

For example, I identify with possessing certain skills, but they are not as important as being a supportive, nurturing, and protective partner and father.

Maintaining the hierarchy of what we identify with creates authenticity.


Write down a description of who you are and what you identify with.

(Keep it honest by not showing it to anyone, which will eliminate impression management.)

Start with the hard-wired drive to form and maintain emotional bonds. Example:

I am a partner, parent, child, friend. I identify with my sense of basic humanity – compassion, kindness, appreciation, morality, equality, fairness.

I identify with my curiosity, skills, certain attributes (intelligence, speech, etc.), preferences, skills, experiences, and community-membership.…

After you make your hierarchical identity statement, read it aloud into your phone and play it back. 

Listen to it at least once a day for several weeks.