Relationship Value Test

With whom would you most want to share your moments of success, triumph, and joy?

  1. My partner
  2. Someone else
  3. No one  

Whom would you most want to be with if you suffered great sorrow or loss?

  1. My partner
  2. Someone else  
  3. No one

If a meteor were predicted to crash into the earth in the next day, with whom would you most want to spend your last hours?

  1. My partner
  2. Someone else  
  3. No one

How important is your relationship to you?

  1. The most important thing in my life
  2. Very important
  3. Somewhat important
  4. I’m fed up with it

What kind of relationship do you want to have with your partner?

  1. Close
  2. Supportive
  3. Just friendly and cooperative (not close or supportive)
  4. Just civil
  5. None at all

What changes do you think you’ll need to make to achieve the kind of relationship you want in the future?

I will need to be (check all that apply):

  1. Compassionate, kind
  2. Loving, supportive
  3. Generous of spirit (giving of yourself)
  4. Distracted
  5. Aloof/withholding
  6. Critical
  7. Defensive
  8. Resentful